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Your Lenovo may have options at F2, F10, F12 or Delete - perhaps two (2) options to enter the Setup. I would first ask myself - Do I really need Kali? Some Lenovos can be problematic with Linux.

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The OP (Original Poster) is running from a Lenovo B480 (credit if you spotted that). I hope I didn't confuse you, but just FYI if you had ask a q like this you should install a different Linux distro. You need to remember that Windows 7 is MBR which will need Legacy. I have legacy support with UEFI boot priority. Ĭheck your bios, Look at Legacy support under boot mode. If that doesn't work change it to windows manager and launch your windows system and to the installation correctly. Change the boot order to the harddrive so it can read the Kali installation and launch grub. You will be able to see the difference device's, You should see Network, Windows Boot manager, Hard drive (It won't say hard drive though, will be the hardware name ). Do this :Ģ) Look at boot devices and change it from there. Don't change the boot order from the boot menu. Windows 7 Uses MBR partitioning and if you used the UEFI it will not boot. The message above isn't too clear as well. I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible.

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